Presenting To Camera - Some Tips To Help

A lot of our videos involve presenting to camera, either introducing a product, passing on advice or delivering the latest news. Just as it takes hard work, preparation and practice to be able to present to a room of 100 people, the same is true for presenting to camera.

It can be a nerve-wracking experience, but it needn't be. Try to follow these tips and you'll be on the right track to enjoying the process and getting your message across effectively and confidently.


Before your time in front of a camera, try to take the opportunity to practice. This can be with a friend, or in front of a mirror - practice looking straight ahead and delivering what you want to say in a loud, clear voice. Speaking to camera is a skill, so the more you practice (even if the camera isn't there) the better you will get.

Don't expect every take to be perfect. Even the most experienced presenters make mistakes and have to do things again - otherwise there wouldn't be bloopers all over the TV and YouTube. Look at the video above for a examples of what can go wrong, even with people who are used to going in front of the camera on a daily basis!


Before you start talking to the camera, smile. This relaxes you and ensures you look like you are enjoying what you are doing and appear in control.


Take a deep breath before you begin each piece to camera. This will help you stay calm and ensure you don't run out of breath halfway through a sentence.


When recording, we will say 'when you are ready', or 'in your own time'. We mean it. Don't feel pressured to start talking as soon as the red light comes on. Take your time, compose yourself and get going when you are comfortable.

If you stumble over a word, or lose your train of thought, simply pause, and start again from a point where you feel comfortable. Always pause before and after a take.


It is important to speak up when doing a piece to camera. Imagine there is a small man just inside the camera lens who you need to reach. Try to project your voice from your stomach, rather than your mouth, for more power and impact.

Pronounce each word clearly - try not to drop your tees, for example, or miss letters out. We will help you with this.


Stand up straight with your shoulders back and chest out. This posture enables your voice to carry well and increases your confidence. Be proud that you have been chosen to stand in front of the camera and deliver your message!

It is also important to resist the urge to fidget. While hand movements while speaking are absolutely fine, when you are in front of the camera is not the time to start playing with your hair, tapping your fingers on the table or clicking a pen. You might be surprised to find out how much noise these seemingly innocent actions can generate, particularly when using clip-on microphones.


When speaking to camera, you need to avoid talking too quickly, otherwise you may be difficult to understand. A guideline we advise is 'if you think you are talking too slowly, you are probably talking at the right pace'. This can equally be applied to everyday conversations, presentations and discussions.


Like any other aspect of video production, you need to have a plan. You might have a few bullet points, cue cards or entire words or phrases ready to read out. You need to make sure that when you go in front of the camera, you have your message ready, and clear in your mind - that way it will transfer into your delivery and reach the viewer.


Check you are suitably dressed before recording - is your top button done up? Is your tie straight? If necessary, apply some make-up to ensure you look at your best. Consider that bracelets, rings and other jewellery can create unwanted noise - is it really needed or can you do without it?